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General Procedure Notes

Executive Committee are to sight health test results of parents of any planned matings, to ensure they are in compliance with the rules before any mating /insemination goes ahead i.e. the parents hip/elbow scores and any relevant DNA testing. Results must be in PDF format and be emailed to the LWCA before mating goes ahead.

The Code of Ethics is designed to protect the breed and bloodlines, and can also be downloaded via the Forms page.


Breeders/Owners raising a litter and Stud Dog owners are required to become members of the LWCA.

For new prefixes, breeders are required to complete the online 'Breeding Dogs and Cats Course' (via Animal Welfare Victoria). (10/2021)

Breeder prefixes must be no longer than 24 characters in total (including spaces), not be identical to, or similar in spelling, or phonetically, to a prefix name already registered by any other breeder or club, which could be deemed to cause misunderstanding, or confusion. Prefixes should follow industry standards.

All dogs must have the following carried out before approval for breeding is made:

-  Dogs to be over the age of 12 months old for hip and elbow x-rays.


-  Hip and elbow x-rayed and free of dysplasia (maximum of 5 per hip, elbows no more than 1 each). Dogs with higher hip scores will be considered on a case-by-case basis i.e. only if they are thought to bring other important qualities to the genepool and if done under the approval of the committee and professional recommendation of a Veterinary Consultant/Specialist.  


-  Hip and elbow x-rays are to be graded by Dr Ray Ferguson BVSc of Monash Veterinary Clinic or any other Officially Registered Canine Health Information Database/Canine Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Scheme panellists (usually for ANKC registered breeds).

- DNA Tested - No affected or carrier dogs of any disease should be bred from.  The most comprehensive DNA testing company is Embark

-  If new bloodlines, dog must be DNA tested to check breed identification, containing allowable breeds. Dogs will be assessed and approved if they are voted to provide great benefit and qualities to the breed improvement in accordance with the Breed Standard.

-  New bloodlines lines are registered into the stud book once all information is known/provided to the LWCA. There is no charge for new dog registrations, but information pertaining to the dog must be on file with the club before mating proceeds. Certificates can be purchased for $15 each for new dog registrations.

After submitting copies of all health test results, breeders undergo a virtual or in person chat/interview for full assessment,  which include checking suitability of premises and temperament assessment of breeding animal/s.

Puppy Contracts

Puppy Sale Contract used by all LWCA breeders for when they sell, give away a dog/ puppy are to be kept current and sent by the LWCA when any updates and made to it, and is to be kept current and in line with contract law and legislation.

Hip & Elbow X-ray Procedure

Canine Hip & Elbow Dysplasia Scheme (Correct HD & ED scheme positioning - same as the BVA/OFA method).  Please click here to download hip and elbow x-ray instructions (PDF format).

Dogs can be graded by Ray Fergson BVSc OR any other approved radiologist from the CHEDs scheme (canine hip and elbow dysplasia scheme).

Veterinarian to scan dog for microchip, and record number on the grading form and ALL x-rays.

Failure to meet these requirements may mean that the dog will have to be re-x-rayed. Attached labels will not be accepted as means of positive identification.

The Veterinarian who took the x-ray, must send/email Monash Veterinary Clinic  Attention: Dr Ray Ferguson BVSc) the following:

1.  Completed MVC Hip & Elbow Report Form  Click here to download grading form  (Vet to send to Monash Vet Clinic in PDF Format)

2.  Digital record of the x-rays of the dog's hips and elbows in the correct positioning including positive ID (microchip no) and date on all x-rays (labels not accepted). 


Poor positioning of radiographs cannot be accepted. Here is a good article on positioning. Another good one here

The dog is put under a general anaesthetic so the hips and be extended into the correct position.  It is important to take the dog to a vet who has been trained in radiographing dogs in the correct method, so they get the positioning right.


If the vet is in any doubt, they can call and email Monash Vet for assistance with the digital radiographs to get one of their radiologists to check the positioning.  If it's not adequate, the vet can re-do while the dog is still under general anaesthetic.


The owner is to contact Monash Veterinary Clinic (03) 9544 7455, to make payment ($90) for the grading before any scoring is completed.  Monash Vet email: 

Dr Ferguson will email results to the owner/s. This email can then be forwarded directly to the LWCA. 

*Note: screen shots of results sent in social media messages to a committee member are not acceptable.

Some Veterinarians may wish to sight the dog's Certificate of Registration & Pedigree when completing the MCV Hip and Elbow Report Form, but this is optional. The most important thing is that the identification matches (i.e. microchip) on all films and forms.

DNA Testing Links

Comprehensive DNA Testing via Embark (Breed ID and Health required)

(Optional) Coat Length Testing via Orivet



Breeding Procedures

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