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Our club was founded in 2014 as the "Australian Lykos Development Project".  At that time, a Breed Standard, Stud Book and Code of Ethics was formulated.


As soon as the blueprint was set for the breed, development commenced which included health testing of animals, including DNA testing through Orivet and hip & elbow x-raying.


When Embark DNA testing later became available, breeding dogs have undergone DNA testing through them, as it is the most comprehensive DNA test developed for dogs world-wide. The breed's foundation blood lines have been health tested as clear for many generations prior.


We are very passionate about creating magnificent looking dogs of wonderful health and temperament suitable for Australian families. We hold get events within a supportive and inclusive community, holding togethers and fun days across Australia every few months so owners can get together on pack walks and socialise their dogs. The public are also welcome to attend these events to meet the dogs and talk to some of their owners.


​We are in this for the long haul and understand the lengthy process that is required for formal recognition of the breed in Australia. 


The LWCA is working towards official recognition of the Lykos Wolfalike with Dogs Australia in accordance with their Regulations Part 6, The Register and Registration, Section 10, Recognition of New Breeds, Clause 10.2 -


Recognition can only occur with Dogs Australia can only occur once certain conditions are met.


This includes having at least five hundred entire dogs on our register. We have over 350 dogs registered Australia-wide, with a few being exported overseas to Greece, Hawaii and United States. 


Our club (the breed's sponsoring parent club) must also have been in existence for at least fifteen years.  As at 2024, our organisation has been in existence for ten years.


Only dogs with a three generation Lykos Wolfalike pedigree will be accepted (this does not apply to the 500 dogs on the register). Dogs Australia then undertakes an evaluation/review 5 years.  Only dogs registered with the LWCA will be applicable for recognition.


Over thousands of years, man has created hundreds of dog breeds for many different purposes. New breeds are still in development, and are being officially recognised, even today.  All breeds that exist are a direct result of man-made endeavours to create something new and different for a particular purpose - using pure breeds and crosses to develop their ideals.


This is our unique breed we are developing, unlike any other in development within Australia.  The Lykos Wolfalike name is legally protected via trade mark, so our breed and pedigrees cannot be used/copied by anyone not registered with our association.


Our Code of Ethics is of the highest calibre.  We do not advocate breeding for financial gain, hence the reasonable cost of puppies from our breeders who are committed to developing the breed.


The Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia (LWCA) is closely managed a dedicated, knowledgeable committee with vast experience in canine behaviour, breeding, health and genetics. Our more experienced breeders are always available to support and mentor new breeders.​ Our registered breeders all work together as a team in developing the Lykos Wolfalike breed.


The LWCA issue Certificates of Registration and Pedigrees for puppies bred by our registered breeders. We host get togethers, pack walks, training sessions, competitions and exhibitions for our members. We foster a close community atmosphere and support all owners and their dogs.


We are against backyard breeding and breeding for financial gain. We aim to help educate the public about responsible breeding practices.  â€‹We are open and very welcoming of people interested in becoming involved with the development of our breed, whether that be a stud dog or a potential breeding female. The breed's foundations are  predominately German/Swiss/Belgian (Groenendael) Shepherds, Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies. If you think your dog has positive traits that could contribute to the breed please reach out to us! A sound temperament is the first thing we consider. 


​​Process for becoming a registered Lykos Wolfalike breeder


- Join as a member (single $30 or family membership $50)


-  Introduction and get to know our committee in a interview & dog/property assessment (can be virtual)


- Register your dog (free)


- Have your dog hip/elbow x-rayed and scored (with acceptable results) 


-  Embark breed + health test and send results to the LWCA


- Ensure you comply with your State's legislation pertaining to the keeping, breeding and selling of animals by joining an approved organisation


-  Successful completion of the free online 'Breeding Dogs and Cats Course'


- Apply for a breeder Prefix ($30). You will be issued a prefix certificate upon completion.


- As a small club, we also offer breed mentoring and assistance with websites or social media pages.


Our breeders work together as a team for the development of the breed, with the help and guidance of experienced mentors in breeding and behaviour, and our veterinary advocates and modern science for health and genetics, ensure that our breed under development is done in the best way possible.





The aim, purpose and goal of the LWCA is to create an excellent family companion and highly trainable dog which physically resembles a wolf, while supporting our breeders in their goals of breeding for superior health and temperament.  


1. To promote, protect and develop the Lykos / Lykos Wolfalike breed


2. To update the Code of Ethics and other rules and forms as necessary


3.  To promote responsible dog ownership and breeding


4.  To uphold and work within and towards the Lykos Breed Standard


5.  To work towards registering the breed with an all breed (pure breed) canine registry.


​Our dogs and breeding program recognises the Lykos Wolfalike as the first and only legitimate wolf-look-a-like/wolfalike breeding program of its kind in Australia.

LYKOSIA ASENA DAWNfrom the first liter of Lykos Wolfalikes born in 2015

About the LWCA

All content copyright 2024 Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia Inc.

No part of this website may be used, copied or reproduced without written permission from the Lykos Wolfalike Council of Australia Inc (A0111614U).

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